MapLink™ | Procedures | Carnivals, Shows, Fairs - Application

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Carnivals, Shows, Fairs - Application
A) Carnivals, shows, fairs and similar special events are permitted subject to approval of the Planning and Zoning Administrator based on consideration of the factors set forth in this section. In lieu of approval or disapproval, the Planning and Zoning Administrator may refer any request for approval to the Zoning Commission for an administrative review. The Planning and Zoning Administrator or Zoning Commission shall approve an application under this section if it is found that the subject of the request will not have an adverse impact on the health, safety or welfare of the public, after consideration of parking, length of the event, hours of operation, effect upon the surrounding neighborhood, noise level and air pollution. These events will not be allowed in residential districts except on property containing schools, churches, fraternal organizations or on Town-owned property. A site plan drawn to scale shall be submitted showing property size, layout of rides, games and tents, parking, sanitation facilities, lighting, etc. Tents or canopies used in conjunction with carnivals, shows, fairs and similar events may exceed the height, size, consecutive day and times per calendar year requirement as stated in Section 3.25 upon approval by the Planning and Zoning Administrator.

B) Sidewalk sales.
1. Sidewalk sales will be permitted for retail uses, up to two in one year per retail use, each not lasting more than three days, subject to the following conditions: a) the retailer must notify the Planning and Zoning office in writing, seven days in advance, of its plans to hold such a sidewalk sale with dates of operation; b) the area to be used for such sidewalk sale shall be limited to 100 square feet of area and the sidewalk sale operation shall not prevent safe and free passage of pedestrians and vehicles.
2. Sidewalk sales which exceed these parameters may be approved by the Zoning Commission in administrative session in the same manner as carnivals, shows and fairs, as above.
Application fee: There is no fee