LB, LBB, CNC, CF and WF Districts
A) One freestanding sign is permitted if the property has a minimum of 100 feet of street frontage on one street and it complies with the following height and size limitations:
1. A sign not exceeding four feet in height and not exceeding 20 square feet of signage or,
2. A sign over four feet in height but not exceeding eight feet in height and not exceeding 16 square feet of signage.
B) The front yard setback of all freestanding signs shall be 1/2 the setback requirement of the district in which it is located.
C) Signs may be illuminated by exterior methods only.
D) Directional signs not exceeding 1.0 square foot of signage indicating the direction of vehicles on the premises.
E) Freestanding signs for gas stations shall not exceed 10 feet in height and 40 square feet in size.
Office Park Districts
A) Only one ground sign visible from a public road is permitted and shall not exceed 50 square feet nor exceed five feet in height.
B) One additional freestanding sign not visible from a public road is permitted for each building in the office park provided each sign does not exceed 20 square feet, nor exceed five feet in height.
C) Directional signs indicating traffic flow not exceeding four square feet per sign.
D) Signs may be illuminated by exterior methods only.
Planned Economic Development
1. Signs. Except as provided hereinafter, signs shall comply with the provisions of Office Park Districts.
2. One freestanding sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and not more than 10 feet in height, limited to the name of the development, shall be permitted at each ingress from a public street bordering the tract. In addition, a second freestanding directory sign not exceeding 30 square feet and eight feet in height may be placed at each ingress not nearer than 30 feet from the public street providing access to the development to provide directions only to occupants of buildings accessible by means of driveways located within 300 feet thereof.
3. One freestanding sign not exceeding 30 square feet in area and not more than eight feet in height, identifying the occupant or occupants of the building, shall be permitted at each ingress to a building site as well as along any street bordering the site from which no access is provided.
4. Directional signs, each not exceeding six square feet in area and not more than five feet in height, may be placed as required, giving the direction to a building or group of buildings, use or parking and loading areas.
CA, CC, MA, MB and MC Districts
A) One freestanding sign is permitted if the property has a minimum of 50 feet of street frontage on one street and it complies with the following height and size limitations as shown in the following matrix.
RS/TH Districts
A) One freestanding sign is permitted if the sign complies with the following height and size limitations:
1. A sign not exceeding four feet in height and not exceeding eight square feet of signage.
B) The front yard setback of all freestanding signs shall be 1/2 the setback requirement of the district in which it is located.
C) Signs may be illuminated by exterior methods only.
D) Directional signs not exceeding 1.0 square foot of signage indicating the direction of vehicles on the premises.
CA/TH, MA/TH and WF/TH Districts
A) One freestanding sign is permitted if it complies with the following height and size limitations.
1. A sign not exceeding four feet in height and not exceeding 12 square feet of signage; or
2. A sign over four feet in height but not exceeding eight feet in height and not exceeding 10 square feet of signage.
B) The front yard setback of all freestanding signs shall be 1/2 the setback requirement of the district in which it is located.
C) Signs may be illuminated by exterior methods only.
D) Directional signs not exceeding 1.0 square foot of signage indicating the direction of vehicles on the premises.